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A Group of Women Stretching

We're here to help guide and help you change your life forever through our
4 pillars of life called the Fit 4 Glory way:
Faith, Family, Food, and Fitness.


Fit 4 Glory

Fit 4 Glory is a Faith, Family, Food, and Fitness company founded by Josh and Jackie Collins based in Walker, MN. Our business promotes Healthy Lifestyles, Wellness of the Spirit, Tight Family Bonds, Great Food, and the Knowledge that “With God All Things Are Possible”.

Real people! Real results!

A Woman before weight loss plan and after. Significant differences in weight loss.

Stacy L.

Down 22.4 lbs and 33.5 inches

40 days of commitment and surrender to allow the Lord the Rebuilding of The Temple. My temple, from the inside out. I was ready to have my life changed. Tears streak my cheeks as I write this with such a feeling of incredible gratitude for my gut healing. Grateful for His unmerited favor. Grateful that at any given moment a prodigal daughter ( or son ) like me can return home and ask Him to simply help.

A Woman before weight loss plan and after. Significant differences in weight loss.

Amanda O

Hi everyone.I’ve been working with Jackie and Fit 4 Glory for the past 2 years. In that time with the support of all the amazing women in the accountability groups I’ve managed to lose 40 pounds and 11 dress sizes. Fit 4 glory has changed my life and given me a sense of power that I never knew I had.

A Woman before weight loss plan and after. Significant differences in weight loss.

Deb R.

Fit 4 Glory’s Total Body Reset!!!! I can’t believe I joined this journey 1 year ago!!! It has been awesome learning so many new things, I will share some as the days go by.

A Woman before weight loss plan and after. Significant differences in weight loss.

Kari T.

Before I started my journey with F4G I was not very healthy. My weight, cholesterol, and thyroid levels were all high, I would lay awake for hours at night not able to sleep and have fog brain during the day, but I still thought I could handle my own health. I thought I was eating healthy, walking around at work enough and drinking enough water. F4G showed me how your mindset can work for you or against you. It was my mindset that changed the most. In March I was ready for a change. I was doing this for myself. I made the diet changes basically overnight to heal my gut and the weight began to melt off within days! My arthritis in my hand was gone in a week when I followed the food guides given. I've continued to eat this way and exercise for the last 5 months and dropped 25 pounds and many inches are gone for good. F4G groups give you the motivation you need to keep going. I have not yet met my final goal so I plan to keep F4G part of my life. It has become part of my lifestyle. I am lighter, stronger and healthier because of the Jackie and the F4G program

A Woman before weight loss plan and after. Significant differences in weight loss.

Allison K.

I started this journey nine months ago. Since then I have lost 30lbs and 50 inches overall. F4G is amazing. Jackie Collins does a fantastic job teaching about gut health, to 20 min exercises, plus the incredible encouragement from Jackie and other members. I am halfway through this journey to meet my goal. I have to say the journey thus far has been enlightening. It has helped me push through when I didn't want to do so. A little faith, good whole food, and guidance. I know now I can do this! And I am!

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Jenny K.

I first signed up for Fit 4 Glory's one-month Total Body Reset after seeing firsthand my friends' results with previous rounds. After 4 rounds, I still have the same rave reviews! The program is informative and user friendly. The coaches are positive and helpful with answering questions we have throughout. It is great to be in a small group with other women who have the same healthy goals. To be cheered on by those women is a big motivation and confidence booster for me. Being in a group like this and following it through has given me a huge boost in confidence. Fit 4 Glory is the positive, challenging, and achievable program I have needed to get my health and life back. I have lost 41.6 pounds and 31.5 inches. 

I continue to be pleased with the results I have achieved at the end of each month-long program. I am very excited to see the results continue.  I would highly recommend this program (or any of Jackie's programs) to anyone who is ready to make a lifestyle change to improve their health and fitness!

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